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The Club

Exclusive Access to Private Equity Opportunities

Photo by Gage Skidmore

Why Inside Investor Club?

The term Inside Investor comes from arguably the greatest financial educator of the 21st century, Robert Kiyosaki.

Most serious investors have read his seminal book Rich Dad, Poor Dad, but far fewer are familiar with the follow up Rich Dad’s Guide To Investing. In this he lists the various categories of investor including:

He makes it clear that smart investors should aspire to the last two categories – Inside Investors buy equity in unlisted companies and eventually become the Ultimate Investor when they sell those shares to the public in an IPO or to a strategic buyer in a trade sale.

We focus entirely on private equity so Robert’s Inside Investor moniker is a perfect fit for the club and our high net worth members.

Who Is The Club For?

In a world that is going to crazy lengths to be inclusive, we are unashamedly exclusive.

Our two qualifiers are a net worth of a million pounds or euros and six figure liquidity. Why? Because the minimum amount we can invest in the opportunities we bring to members is usually around £50,000, and to have some degree of diversity you will want to make at least two (and ideally three or four) private equity investments.

You may only need one exit at a high multiple to achieve life changing results, and we do emphasise concentration over what Kiyosaki calls di-worse-ification.

While we do not give investment advice, our model portfolio suggests a typical investment of no more than 20% of your assets in private equity so a net worth in the £1-2 million range is really the starting point for this style of investing.

These criteria are a blend of what regulators require of qualified or accredited investors in the UK, Europe and America.

What Sectors Will The Club Invest In?

We look for the best opportunities around the world so we are sector agnostic. We have experience in fintech, clean energy, precious metals, real estate and AI and will search the globe for the best companies in the hottest sectors as we seek new opportunities for our members.