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Exclusive Access to Private Equity Opportunities

Discover The Secrets of Successful Private Equity Investing

Discover The Secrets of Successful Private Equity Investing

As well as providing access to carefully chosen investment opportunities, our CEO Graham Rowan also provides in-depth coaching and mentoring to help those who are new to private equity investing.

Private equity has the power to turbocharge your net worth from 7 figures to 8 figures in five years or less.

But you need to know what you’re doing – so why not learn from someone who has already been on that journey, made lots of mistakes but still done enough to reach that eight figure threshold?

Join us on the Eight Figure Journey

Graham calls the coaching and mentoring programme the Eight Figure Journey and this is your invitation to join him if:
Graham believes that private equity today is where buy-to-let was 30 years ago. It’s a blue ocean that, until now, has been a well-kept secret among the big financial institutions and the family offices of the super wealthy.

Inside Investor Club is on a mission to democratize private equity investing and a core part of that mission is financial education.

Inside Investor Club is on a mission to democratize private equity investing and a core part of that mission is financial education.